Episode 19: Invest

Future Chi
Episode 19: Invest

This episode is all about investing, in more ways than one, but Jost and Leon also touch on the subject of living a good life that leads to a good death, and remembering death to have a good life (as represented by the memento mori skull imagery. They also trade stories about their nomadic lifestyles in days gone by (the compass), how Chat GPT is developing inquisitiveness (the crow) and will affect what we invest in (the binary), and how investing in this life affects the next (as represented by the sanskrit word samsara).

The Episode

A fundamental shift in reality means a fundamental shift in where we put our time, energy, focus, and resources. While the success and investment strategies of the past were based on acquiring intellectual or physical property, the future needs us to add something new to our portfolio. But in uncertain times what are the right investments to make? Can investing in ourselves be of benefit to humanity? How do you ensure a balance of health, wealth, and happiness in this life and the next?

While it's easy to confuse with profiteering and greed, investing in and of itself is an ethical term. In this episode Jost and Leon skip the stock tips and strategies and instead focus on ways of building your internal, spiritual portfolio. Jost talks in depth about the wild west of the publishing world, the years of struggle it takes to write a book, and how developing a product that generates progress in others is a true investment. He also talks about how it’s not our mission to invest solely for profit, and that we must live by a code in order to choose light over dark. Leon talks about finding your people and understanding when it’s time to not invest, but divest instead. Jost and Leon also reflect on investing in something that will serve your next incarnation, the importance of understanding that life is temporary, and how a good life leads to a good death.

Investing in a spiritual practice makes us proactive, helps us to navigate our impulses, and stops us getting bogged down by the mundane. It’s time for us to believe in ourselves, invest in ourselves, and in doing so help build a bright future for our planet.